I work from home as a freelance writer, specializing in marketing communications and health-related topics.
The people fighting during my conference calls and mucking up my floors include:
my 10-year-old daughter, Miss A
my twin 8-year-old sons, G...
...and P
and my 6-year-old daughter, Haney.
I am married to Jason. He plays World of Warcraft or Lord of the Rings Online or both, maybe. He's like a level 80 shaman and master of the elements, so if you leave mean comments on my blog he'll totally cast chain lightning at you.
We also have a cat, a dog, and a goldfish.
I can be reached at jen.diagnosisurine at gmail.com.
The Stealth Twins
My daughters started middle school this year. (Long-time readers will now
join me in picking their jaws off the floor. How did they get so big?)
They’re ...